good evening ladies and gentlemen.inspired by a recent posting by mike over at 'the upsetter 1969' http://blogaddressnotavailable2.blogspot.com/ i present you with this BBC radio6 tribute presented by jarvis cocker.it has interviews with everyone from the undertones to billy bragg to robert plant and conversation with john peel himself,excerpts from some of his radio shows where he plays things at the wrong speed and lots of other peel related goodies.its in one big mp3 podcasty kind of thing ( and lasts about an hour)and if like me you are a fan of mr. peel then you should have this.a wonderful warm and often very funny tribute to the late great J.P.play this loud,enjoy,remember the great man and then leave a comment.thanks!
Great stuff! Thanks : )
Thanks for the John Peel documentary which, despite being an avid listener, I missed. Also thanks for sending people my way. Long live the memory of John Peel.
Thank you for this
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