evening all.many years ago i bought this bootleg from a stall in camden market.it had this show on one side and one from the ramones recorded in sheffield in 87.it was part of the bbc 'in concert' series and had spoken intros about the band giving a brief history of each one etc and then there was several songs from each band recorded at each venue.anyway after many years of hunting i finally have the cramps part of this bootleg.i got it from camden dave (cheers dave!) recently and it is one of the best cramps boots ive heard.its only 8 songs long but each ones a cracker.hearing this again after so many years brings lots of great memories flooding back.so if like me you remember hearing this on one of those camden cassette bootlegs with the photocopied onto yellow paper cover,then this ones for you.it is a really great set that deserves to be played loud.so please listen,enjoy and if you have a moment leave a comment.thanks!
cheers matey,
i have not heard this in years.
no problemo mr. nekrodad sir,glad you like it!
awesome cramps + ramones !!!!
I remember taping this from the radio. A fantastic show
Great stuff
You sir are a scholar had this on said yellow cassette back in the day so I for one say thank you
brilliant post from an amazing band many thanks
brilliant post many thanks i can now say goodbye to my old battered tape
Thanks for the Upload. Sound is good enough to be an official release!
I don't know when you bought this at camden but I had a stall selling bootlegs in the Electric Ballroom from 1982-1987. As someone already has pointe out this is a radio broadcast.
If anyones interested I have quite a few other Cramps bootlegs, go to www.yougotgoodtaste.com and find me
Stay sick
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